Yesterday, at 4 a clock pm my husband had an accident at Kuala Perlis - Changloon highway. When he told me about the xcident, i didn't asked anything about him. I just asked 'where'.. 'ok wait, i'll come'. That's it!. And all my way to him , i didn't think about him too. I just thinking, what had cos the xcident. It is a highway, surely no cars involved.
I'm very, very sure that he fell asleep while driving. When i reached him, he said that he tried to avoid hitting a cow. I'm very confused. I didn't believe him at all. A cow is a slow moving animal. Of course he can control the car. He is a good driver. Then for about two minutes then he whisper to me, he fell asleep. It's true!!!! He fell asleep while driving and syukur to Allah that he is not injured. NO CUT OR BRUISE! Alhamdulillah...
He had hit a road divider. The car had to be pulled.
I'm not telling a lie when i told about how good his drive. He can park a car that involving a small space. Side parking... hmmm small matter to him. No man that i know that can drive better than him. But he had one MAJOR problem when driving a long distance.
He always fall asleep. He had missed a lorry, a car, a juction and many more but yesterday was not his lucky day... Thanks to Allah...